3 learnings 1- Make sure you have enough money. Get Investors! Don’t rely only on your strengths You need people […]
#Failure9 – 3 learnings after raising 3 millions USD – Fabien Keller From Birdylabs
3 learnings 1- Be sure to get your market fit Make sure you understand your users’ issues Start with small […]
#Bonus8 – What is a mistake in Buddhism – Interview of Varayano Monk in wat tam wua temple Thailand
Have you ever wondered how buddhism considers mistakes? Well.. We did and we went to a monstarey in Thailand to find the answer!
#Failure7 – Manage properly your life work balance – Sayumporn Singthong (May)
Far from being easy for entrepreneurs to handle, finding balance between working hours and family time is difficult.
#Failure6 – Issues & Challenges when scaling your startup – Sirasar Boonma from Local Alike
The main challenge we will be discussing about on this episode of our podcast revolves around the acceleration of your activity.
#Failure 5 – Being a wannabeentrepreneur instead of an entrepreneur
Entering into the entrepreneur jungle is far from being easy. There is no training or diploma to prepare us.
#Failure4- How a low staff turnover may not necessarily be a good thing
If someone stays with you for ever it’s either because you’re awesome, or they got too comfortable. But what about your company interest?
#Failure3 – Pushing the wrong business model – interview with Alan Yeap from Viroboss
Entering into the entrepreneur jungle is far from being easy. There is no training or diploma to prepare us. So when you do it straight out of school, there is still a huge delta between your learning, your experiences, your believes and the real life.
#Failure2 – Closing a company after raising over 1 million USD interview of Viktor Kyosev
So just imagine, you raise 1 million USD but 12 months later you’re forced to close the company.