Let’s meet Ms Sirasar Boonma from Local Alike
Sirasar Boonma has been working with Local Alike since 2016, now Director of Customers. Her main achievements with Local Alike allowed the company to scale rapidly after winning an important prize of about 300,000€ with Booking.com.
Sirasar has been working with local communities in Thailand for years now and has a great knowledge on the problems faced by them alongside Community Based Tourism (CBT) activities.
Let’s talk about scalability
The main challenge we will be discussing about on this episode of our podcast revolves around the acceleration of your activity.
This is what happened to Local Alike after winning booking.com prize, they had to come back home and prepare the team for a huge expansion.
In a few months, they almost tripled the number of employees and had to onboard a lot of new projects.
Why Local Alike experience matters when it comes to scalability?
The interesting part in this is that Local Alike does not only manage online activities. In this case, scalability is usually handled by a few engineers and growth hacking experts.
Local Alike activities require them to actually go on the ground, meet people, train them, setup new activities, launch new products, improve them and promote them online.
In this case, scalability comes with lots more projects than a classic ebusiness.
Their experience is especially valuable because they made it. They managed to survive and expand.
What did Local Alike teach us about scalability?
The main learnings I got out of our interview, and feel free to comment if you think I did not get it right, is that scalability comes in a few levels.
1- Get the right mentors and vision
without this we can imagine how confusing it will be for the team behind it.
2- Train, talk, train, talk to your team
at the end they are the ones delivering it. So you better make sure they share the same vision.
3- What can be implemented?
In their case, they focused on career path & new workflow, making sure all the team share the same long term vision.
4- How do you see scalability?
- Challenge
- Leadership
- Responsibility
What elements to investigate more
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